Your UK Legal Rights as a Person With Disability

As an individual living in the UK, you have many different types of legal rights. If you happen to be a person with a disability then you also have disability rights.

These rights cover different categories that you may come under. They include your legal rights when it comes to employment and education. As a disabled person, you also have rights when it comes to dealing with the Police.

It is quite common for individuals of all age groups to have issues with getting the education they want. Often they don’t realize that some of the challenges they are faced with can be rectified by their legal right. These legal rights are upheld under the equality act. This act ensures that everyone is being treated fairly and equally when it comes to their education no matter what their disability may be.

When it comes to the educational rights of children the parents or caregivers of disabled children should make themselves fully aware of what the legal rights of the child are that is facing challenges in the educational sector based on their disability. These rights are there to protect the disabled.
